Home Maternity Articles Important steps to take when you find you are pregnant!

Important steps to take when you find you are pregnant!

by Lajja

Just found out you’re pregnant? Congratulations! Whether you’re jumping for joy or still in a state of shock. Finding out you’re pregnant can bring a massive mix of emotions all at once: happiness, surprise, panic, anxiety, relief—the list goes on, but all normal. Make sure you’re sitting comfortably and take a deep breath.

Once you’ve had a little time to process, here’s what you should do next to get your pregnancy off to the best start.

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7 things to do when you find out you are pregnant :

See A Doctor

“Make a doctor’s appointment.” Besides your partner, your doctor’s office should be your first call when you find out you’re expecting. Getting in touch with your doctor or midwife is a priority step. You’ll be seeing a lot of your obstetrician, family physician, or midwife over the coming months, so it’s important to find a good match. If you’re not registered with a doctor, you can find your closest GP services via the NHS website. Most gynaecologists won’t see you until six to eight after your last period. Still, it makes sense to call now and book an appointment. However, many of OB-GYN’s schedules fill up quickly — so make your appointment as soon as possible. Once you’ve made your decision, help get your pregnancy off to a healthy start by scheduling your first prenatal appointment.

So you’re on the schedule and they can run through any recommendations for the first six weeks over the phone.

Pick A Prenatal Vitamin

Most doctors will recommend you start taking this as soon as you let them know you’re trying to conceive. Why? The nutrients are essential to your baby’s development, in particular in the first four weeks. They’re jam-packed with lots of good things your baby needs to get a head start on life. Folic acid, iron, and calcium are especially important. Prenatal vitamins are not only important for your baby, but they are important for you since your baby is zapping up all those vitamins that you would normally get. So, you need extra, and that is where a prenatal vitamin comes in. You can even buy giant bottles that will last all of pregnancy, so that’s fantastic. And if taking a pill isn’t your thing, now they have delicious gummy vitamins and a lot easier to take. You have no excuse to get your baby those extra good vitamins and minerals they need while growing!

Exercise Is Essential

Not only is it important to work out when you aren’t pregnant, but it is also important to stay healthy and workout while you are pregnant! It’s good to exercise in pregnancy, just be sure to do it safely. Your body is going through a lot of changes and you want to keep it healthy. If you’re a regular then carry on with your normal exercise and classes tell your instructor first—for as long as you’re comfortably able. If you want to initiate exercising because you are expectant, start gently and build up. Low impact options are good, to begin with, such as swimming, walking and yoga, especially pregnancy yoga.

They will help you to stay flexible and especially the ones that strengthen the pelvic floor that will help you have really fast delivery. Exercise is essential as no one would do a marathon without training — so you should train for labour and birth!

Calculate Your Due Date

You will have a pretty good idea of when you’re due when you find out you’re pregnant and an even better idea at your first appointment when your healthcare provider lets you know your due date.

Work out your baby’s due date with a simple calculator. You can also find out the day that you got pregnant and the milestones of your pregnancy. Also, the week-by-week pregnancy calendars are available to find out exactly on which dates you will be how far along. Calculating the due date is very significant. To keep a check on the growth and development of your baby. It helps to plan your schedule during your auspicious 9 months. Check your baby bump growing.

Decide When To Announce Your Pregnancy

When should you tell people about your pregnancy? The short answer is: whenever you want. Want to tell everyone as soon as possible? Go ahead! Yes, it’s hard not to tell your friends as soon as you find out you are pregnant but try not to post it to Facebook just yet. Want to wait until you pass the first-trimester mark? Totally understandable. One of the biggest fears of announcing your pregnancy is having to go back and tell people that something has happened and you have had a miscarriage. The baby is most vulnerable during the first 12 weeks you are pregnant, and after the first trimester, the chance of a miscarriage drops dramatically. So most people think it could be the right time to announce you are good news. Or if you wish to wait until you birth the baby and in the meantime, stare at people asking about your pregnancy until they feel uncomfortable? YES! There is no right or wrong time to announce your pregnancy.  Whenever you’re ready, go for it. You can get pretty creative in terms of sharing the news. You must have seen pregnancy announcements that run the gamut from a cute photo posted on Facebook, to clever bump pictures and pregnancy t-shirts. The options are unlimited to however you choose to share!

Take Lots Of Pictures

This sort of goes along with documenting your pregnancy, but it is really fun to take lots of pictures. You can do weekly pictures or monthly pictures. With all of your pregnancies, you can take a picture every two or three weeks. It’s fun to see how you grow, and you can even get creative with a little sign or use your computer to put in the text. This also makes it so you can compare what you looked like with different pregnancies, and you can see how much sooner and bigger you are the second time around! You can include would be the father and other kids involved, too. There are lots of cute pictures you can see on Pinterest with kids kissing their mom’s belly or with a couple of maternity shoots. Even you can compare the pictures of your 1st pregnancy and another one. Just take lots of pictures!

Dos & Don’ts Of Your Pregnancy
  1. Stub it out: If you smoke, now’s the time to quit.
  2. Say bye-bye to booze: Drinking alcohol can harm your baby’s development and avoiding alcohol completely during pregnancy is the only way to be sure the baby is safe.
  3. Take a break: Pregnancy hormones can make you tired and more stressed so it’s important to take time for yourself to relax.
  4. Watch out for certain foods: It’s important to have a healthy and balanced diet in pregnancy and to try and avoid foods that are high in sugar, salt and fat. Some foods put your baby at risk and should be avoided altogether.
  5. Be caffeine wise: Caffeine is found in more than just tea and coffee.  The advice is not to have more than 200mg caffeine a day – find out what that looks like.

We wish you for your pink of health and have the best pregnancy you can!

#Have a happy pregnancy

featuring image :illustration by Jeff quinn

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