Home Maternity Articles Physical Changes During Pregnancy

Physical Changes During Pregnancy

by Lajja

Pregnancy affects every part of your body—from your hair to your toenails. A woman’s body encounters many modifications during the nine months of pregnancy. Some of these physical alterations are noticeable, such as an expanding belly and weight gain. However, a few bodily changes may be unexpected and catch some women by surprise. Sometimes it’s quite enchanting to know how a woman’s body adapts to changes during the pregnancy to accommodate their little ones in their womb. What you always need to do is take care of yourself and your baby. The other major thing is you don’t need to get conscious as no matter what, you still look beautiful!

Check out some surprising changes you face during pregnancy:

Weight Gain

Weight gain in pregnant women is common. An increase in weight may increase the workload on the body from any physical activities. During pregnancy increase in fluid retention is responsible for a significant amount of weight gain women experience pregnancy. Weight gain is usually the primary justification that the body can’t tolerate prepregnancy levels of exercise.

This even pertains to the seasoned, elite, or professional athlete. Round ligament strain increased the size of the uterus, and pelvic instability from the laxity of the ligaments may lead to increased discomfort during exercise. For fun, take a photograph of yourself from the side profile early in your pregnancy, using your best posture. Take another photo near your due date and compare these side profiles. The changes are remarkable, aren’t they? You don’t need to worry about your body shape as your round belly is more loved by everyone.

Changes in Breast

Pregnant women’s breasts often undergo a series of significant changes during pregnancy as their bodies prepare to supply milk to the newborn baby. A woman’s breasts may feel more full and tender when she is pregnant, and her nipples may also be more sensitive to the touch. If your breasts are too tender, ask your partner not to touch them.

Pregnancy hormones that affect skin pigmentation often darken the areola. As the pregnancy progresses and your breasts prepare for breastfeeding, they get even bigger and may leak an early form of milk called colostrum. Some women may notice small lumps in the breast tissue, which can be caused by blocked milk ducts. If the lumps don’t disappear after a few days of massaging the breast and warming it with water or a washcloth, a doctor should examine the lump at the next prenatal visit.

Some women may develop stretch marks on the breasts, particularly if they undergo rapid growth. Make sure you wear a well-fitting bra that provides both comfort and support. For additional support, some women may sleep with a maternity bra at night.

Mouth And Oral Health Is Important

Mouth and tooth change. Your body requires surplus calcium for the baby; if you don’t provide it through your diet, it will seize it from your bones and teeth. Bleeding gums are a common pregnancy complaint thanks to pregnancy hormones and they may create an open portal to infections. Some women are more unprotected from infections during pregnancy because the immune system tamps down.

It’s very important to keep up with oral hygiene to prevent gingivitis or inflammation of the gums. Get your teeth and gums checked early in your pregnancy. But some women are afraid to go to the dentist while pregnant. Trout said it’s okay to get dental X-rays during pregnancy as long as the belly is properly shielded from radiation. Follow good dental care with regular brushing and flossing.

Hair And Nails Are More Loved

A woman may have many good hair days during pregnancy as estrogen boosts the length of the growing phase of hair follicles resulting in less shedding of hair and thicker tresses. You may find that your hair feels fuller when you’re pregnant. But you’re not growing more hair, you’re just losing it more slowly than you usually do. Some women also notice that their hair becomes shinier during pregnancy or that it changes in texture. A

 woman may not only get more hair on her head but also more hair growth on her body. Most women find their hair returns to its normal growth and texture within four to six months after giving birth. Some pregnant women also develop harder nails, but others find that their nails are softer or more brittle. Nail changes may be a result of increased blood flow to the fingers and toes due to increased estrogen levels.

In the meantime, you can protect your fingernails by wearing rubber gloves when you’re doing the dishes or cleaning, and by using moisturizers on your hands, especially on the skin that surrounds the nail and on the nails, particularly if they’re brittle. You can make them good targets for manicures and pedicures before giving birth.

Skin Changes

Skin changes are very common during pregnancy. Some women can develop dark patches on their face and hormonal changes can make your skin a little darker. These brownish patches of darkened skin may appear on the face around the eyes and over the cheeks and nose, due to an increase in melanin, a pigment that gives skin its color. Pigment changes, such as the “mask of pregnancy,” are a common occurrence. Women who are expecting may often have a “pregnancy glow.”

A rosy complexion may occur because of increased blood circulation to the skin. But not everything is rosy when it comes to skin changes during pregnancy. The pigment is not an issue but the ones that tend to be the most bothersome to women are stretch marks. They are more likely to occur in women who are obese, have rapid weight gain during pregnancy. using cocoa butter to help relieve the itchiness of stretch marks, but she also notes that there may not be a way to prevent them. No matter what, you still look beautiful!

Variations in Belly Button

It may sound silly to wonder about the pregnant belly button. During pregnancy, the belly button can undergo a lot of changes. As a woman’s abdomen expands late in the second trimester or during the third, her belly button tends to pop out. Even if you’ve been an “innie” all of your life, during pregnancy the expansion of your abdomen can cause you to be an “outie.”

It isn’t much you can do about this usually temporary condition, except to cover it with clothing or let it all just hang out. Another variation of belly button changes is that your belly button can go flat. Yes, as your stomach expands with the baby, you may notice that your belly button becomes flat and taut against your skin. This is normal and will usually revert to your normal belly button once your baby is born. If you have your navel or belly button pierced, you may wonder if you need to remove the belly button ring in pregnancy. Your little button now needs some attention.

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